Synergy World is developing an exclusive Business to
Business Trade Card Network. This is a private network
for select business owners. Business owners can preserve
their hard earned cash and pay for their personal and
business expenses using the Synergy Trade Card
instead of cash.
For a limited time, select businesses are being offered
a 0% interest free line of credit so they may begin using
their Synergy Trade Card to pay for advertising, graphic
design, web design, limousine services, hotels, restaurants
and much, much more.
The Synergy Trade Card is accepted through swipe card
terminals, and funds are automatically debited from the
buyer’s card and credited to the seller’s card instantaneously.

Preserve your cash and
trade your products or services
for what you need.
Save on employee benefits.
Purchase Gift Cards or
Gift Certificates using your
Synergy B2B Trade Card.
Attract new, loyal customers.
Synergy members are loyal to
the B2B network and will seek to
spend their trade dollars with
your company before going
to your competition.
Convenient electronic trade card. Easily and effortlessly tracks
all transactions in real-time.
Convenient website for participating businesses, special offers
and transaction reporting.
Expanding B2B network. Synergy is constantly expanding our
B2B network giving you more ways to save your cash and spend
your trade.
Exclusive access to our Synergy Concierge Service. Synergy
has relationships with thousands of trade partners across the
United States, Mexico and Canda.